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Company Overview

Image by Rohit Tandon

The word “Palisade” refers to a fortified mountain range and ties in with the symbolism of the mountain that represents the legacy of the Sierakowski name.

Palisade Corporate connects the Sierakowski name with the symbolic
mountain meaning “Sierra” in Latin.

The new Palisade Corporate continues to forge sustaining relationships with an emphasis on strong
culture, contemporary values and innovative business practices.

The Legacy Continues

About Palisade Corporate

Palisade Corporate is a boutique law firm based in Perth, Western Australia. The firm's contemporary vision also reflects the history and evolution of the company, maintaining a symbolic link between the old and the new.

Our expertise is in high level corporate work, including capital raisings, mergers and acquisitions, resources and energy, reconstructions and litigation.


The word “Palisade” refers to a fortified mountain range and ties in with the symbolism of the mountain that represents the origins of the Sierakowski name. We are a law firm that provides better experiences through strong connections with clients and staff. Palisade Corporate is "Allied to your interests".

To clients, this statement is a promise that an enduring relationship with Palisade Corporate will also achieve real commercial results. Why do we know this to be true? Because only a strong, on-going connection between lawyer and client can lead to the deep understanding needed to offer truly valuable counsel, counsel that delves beyond top-of-mind thinking into insightful, proactive advice.

To staff this statement is a promise and a challenge… It is a promise that the firm will act as a partner with them in their professional and personal development. It reminds them that they are employed in an intimately sized firm where their interests can be clearly identified. The three directors, who work closely within the team, nurture and reward staff to assist them in reaching new career and life goals.

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+61 (08) 6211 5000

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Office Address

Level 24, St Martin's Tower

44 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000


Postal Address

P.O. Box Z5433

St Georges Terrace

Perth WA 6831

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